A beginners guide to manifesting

A beginners guide to manifesting

A beginners guide to manifesting 

The basic concept of manifesting is simple: Like attracts like. What we think, we become.

In essence, thoughts are energy and the beginning of what we create. This is why it’s important to find harmony within ourselves to avoid sabotaging what we attract.

Put simply, if we think positively, we attract positive outcomes.

The mind is incredibly powerful, so when we want to manifest our desires, we need to live them in our minds—picture them, feel them, and believe them. Go about your daily life as if your desires are already fulfilled. For example, wear those clothes you’ve been saving for a special occasion, pick out your perfect holiday destination, or take a test drive in your dream car.

When we start the process of creating action in our minds, we need to begin working towards it as if it has already happened. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Intense Desire: Feel it, see it, need it.
  • Visualization: See your dreams in your mind’s eye.
  • Affirmations: Repeat daily phrases to yourself.
  • Focus: Stay focused on your goals.
  • Belief: Believe that you will achieve them.
  • Gratitude: Practice gratitude daily.

Creating a Vision Board

A vision board is a powerful tool for manifestation. It visually represents your goals and desires, filled with images, words, and symbols that inspire you.

 While some people like to keep their vision boards on display, it's perfectly fine to keep yours tucked away. I keep mine in a cupboard out of view as suggested by Roxie Nafousi in her book Manifest.

The key is to revisit it regularly, allowing it to remind you of what you’re working towards. Whether displayed or stored, your vision board serves as a strong reminder of your intentions and helps you stay focused on attracting the experiences and opportunities needed to make your dreams a reality.

Practicing Gratitude

This ties back to the basic concept of like attracts like. If we think positive thoughts, we attract positive things. Spending a few moments each day writing down what we’re grateful for trains the brain to think positively and attract more things to be thankful for. This is called positive vibration.

The Role of Crystals in Manifestation

Using crystals on your chakras helps open and clear them, allowing positive vibrations to flow in:

  • Crown Chakra: Clears our thinking.
  • Third Eye: Enhances visualization.
  • Throat Chakra: Improves communication.
  • Heart Chakra: Encourages positivity.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Boosts self-esteem.
  • Sacral Chakra: Increases confidence.
  • Root Chakra: Sustains motivation.

Incorporating crystals into your daily routine can significantly aid the manifestation process. You can carry them with you, meditate with them, relax with crystals placed on your chakras, or place them in your environment.

Before using any crystals, it’s important to cleanse them to remove negative energy. One of my favorite ways to cleanse crystals is by using a white sage smudge stick. Waft the smoke over the crystals for approximately five minutes. I also use this opportunity to cleanse the space around me, especially if I’m about to meditate.

After cleansing, handle the crystals so they become yours. Place the crystal or crystals in your right hand and think of your intentions. Focus on your goals.

Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are very powerful and can raise your vibrations—but what exactly are they? Simply put, a crystal grid is a group of crystals placed in a specific pattern to help attract your intentions. Crystals in a grid are often chosen for their specific properties, such as stones associated with romance to improve relationships, or crystals linked to prosperity to empower your professional goals.

One way I use a crystal grid is by placing a small one on my bedside table. This helps me achieve a good night’s sleep and focus my dreams on achieving my desires.

There are far too many crystal combinations to list in this blog post, but crystal healer Amanda handpicks all our sets to complement each other and help achieve your desired outcome.

Daily Practices to Enhance Your Manifestation Journey

  • Incorporate crystals into your meditation routines.
  • Use affirmations alongside crystals—one great time to do this is while getting ready in the morning and looking in the mirror.
  • Keep a gratitude journal. I personally write down three things I’m grateful for every morning while enjoying my cup of tea.
  • Take positive steps toward your goals and step out of your comfort zone—you won’t believe the feeling of accomplishment until you do.

Ready to start your manifestation journey? Explore our collection of manifestation kits and start your journey today.......




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